Monday, June 8, 2009

Mixin' and a Makin' and a Shakin' and a Bakin'

I am not a Domestic Goddess. I am not a chef. Hell, I'm not even much of a cook, but I love cooking things with my boys - they have to be simple though as I have the patience of a toddler.

I own a few cook books and occasionally I'll drag one out and bake something from scratch. I've discovered a simple biscuit recipe that I actually have the ingredients for in my pantry (that's often half the problem with trying something new). This particular plain bikkie recipe is designed to be rolled out flat and chopped up with cookie cutters. As I don't own a rolling pin (told you I don't cook much) I decided this time we'd just roll up little balls of dough in our fingers and squash them down into biscuits. The boys loved the idea and happily rolled and squashed. Then I added a "Freckle" on to each biscuit before baking the little treasures (and demolishing the remaining freckles with the boys). I think they turned out well!

As the biscuit recipe uses 2 egg yolks I then used the remaining egg whites to make some meringues. Crash and Rowdy requested they be pink so I attempted pink rose shaped meringues. Not so good on the shaping but who cares really - they finished just how I like them with a soft gooey centre.

Next it was a quick cupcake which I cheated making and used a packet mix for - but really, it's just the packet mix, an egg and some milk and mix and that's it - chuck in patty papers and bake. Once cooled I did some choccie icing and dipped them in hundreds and thousands. I'm now finding hundreds and thousands everywhere in the house. Oooops.

The boys of course got to lick the beaters everytime and managed to completely overdose on sugar (as did I). 2 days later and I still have some bikkies, cakes and meringues left - unbelievable I know!!!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you've got satisfied customers there Mrs. Chic...And like you I'm no Domestic Goddess too. I cook because I need to cook. But my kids think their Mum is the BEST COOKER in the world and that's more than enough for me.
