Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cold Climate Superman

Rowdy has recently developed an obsession for a woolly winter jacket he got for his birthday from his Nanny and Grandpa. He has worn it non-stop for getting on a week now. I did manage to talk him out of wearing it to school in case one of the other kids pinched it (amazingly that worked). He even wears this thing to bed.

Last night he wanted to put on his jacket again after his bath and he was riding around the house on his bike telling us all he was Superman. He would also only answer to the name 'Superman'. We wondered why Superman would need such a woolly jacket. Obviously Superman is from a cold climate.

Crash was wearing his Spiderman outfit which he then wore to bed, and to the shops today.

This is how I found Rowdy when I went to tuck him in last night. I had to take a picture. He was fine, seriously.

I didn't leave him that way of course....

and then there's Crash in his Spiderman outfit. I caught him sucking his thumb and said to him "Spiderman doesn't suck his thumb!". He replied "oh Mum, I'm just pretending to be Spiderman".

1 comment:

  1. Oh bless. Do kiddies ever look sweeter then when they're asleep ? Even under wooly coats and in a Spiderman get-up, too cute.
