Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Old Fishing Pics

I found these pics online (bless you sir google). They are in old fishing club magazines and worth reposting (well at least I think so).

July 03 - This was the first time I'd handled a dead fish - yes, that look on my face is "ewwwwww". They weren't my biggest bream though. I can't find a pic of that one.

July 03 - My BIG flathead - this pic made it to the local paper (lame claim to fame hey!). Mr Chic has since out-fished me and got a flathead that was the size of Crash at 18 months.

April 05 - When Crash was a bub we held a fishing club weigh-in at our house. Before everyone weighed their fish, I put Crash on the scales. He looks suitably impressed. Such a chubby bubby!

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