Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Enough Already

Congratulations Laucke Flour Mills for taking a stand against the adding of folic acid in flour. For their letter click here

Enough is enough. Why can't bread just be bread? And milk just be milk - plain and simple milk. Perhaps a low fat version and a full fat version but that's it! I don't want added fish oil. I don't want added iron. I just want milk. I certainly don't want folic acid in my bread.

You know perhaps what's wrong with the world and the reason why so many people get cancer and other diseases is because of the way we've been mucking about with our food. Why can't we just all go back to basics? Good wholesome natural food. Nothing added, nothing processed.


  1. Because our political masters know what's best for us..........NOT. How about giving us some choice?

  2. Yes, and the same well meaning people take a stand against fluoride in the water (massive improvements in childrens dentition), public vaccinations programmes (huge reduction in mortality and morbidity), pasteurising milk (tuberuclosis) etc... Why cant they visit countries without these pesky public health officials and enjoy the natural paradise they so desire and the resulting disease and death especially amongst children.
