Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To Market To Market to Make Some Moolah

In 2006 when I was pregnant with Rowdy I participated in a market research group on potential advertisements for Karicare Toddler Gold. It was quite exciting to see the ad later on one evening on tv, knowing that I had been part of the process. Especially as one of the comments I had made had changed the ad. "It's not realistic, the child-bear is too good, he should throw a toy across the room or something" and in the ad that is exactly what he does, now.

So tonight I've been asked to participate in another market research group - this time on body cleansers. If it wasn't a paying job I'd happily go home as I have a whole heap of paying work to do there. Although there is a lovely pub around the corner from where I am going and the idea of curling up on their comfy lounges with a vodka/lime/soda and my Mama Mia book instead is highly appealing.....


  1. LOL - Can you do both? Go to the market research group and have a bevvie and indulge in a chapter before or after? In fact, I think you should pack up your work things right now, and head to pub directly, do not pass go. Have several VLS' and then tell those marketers what you really think (especially if you are still in your psycho mood)! teehee - oh to be a fly on the wall :-)

  2. if I have time I'll do both! the thought of packing up now sounds great........
