Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mission Accomplished

I didn't know exactly what I wanted, but I had an idea, I just knew that it was time to move forward and discard the past. Crash knew I was on a mission, he even helped me on the weekend with my meagre attempts with this task I had assigned myself.

I looked and looked and yet I was never convinced. There was no conviction. I persisted with the search. I trawled through location after location with no result. How can this be so difficult I thought? Will I ever succeed?

And then. I saw it. I knew. It was 'the one'. I held it in my arms. I was happy. The search was done.

As I got home from work last night I told Crash "I found it!". He watched as I pulled 'the one' from it's special housing and said "Hmmmmm, not bad Mum!".

The boys watched in amazement as I pulled the fake insides out of it. "Wow! There's so much!" they said. "Now, lets put all your stuff from your old handbag into this new one Mum!".


  1. Oh God! I hate looking for a new bag.

    I bought a temporary one last december. I knew it wasn't right but I needed a new one straight away. I have hated it for 8 months and now have another temporary one that's much better than the last but still not right.

    So so hard! Congratulations on finding 'the one'.

  2. Mmmm...handbag....mmm *wiping away Homer style drool*
