Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunny Sun

The weekend is almost here. Can you tell? I can almost taste it, it's so close. It's supposed to be a hot and sunny weekend in Sydney. I will actually be able to do some washing and hang it on the clothesline (folded in half and wound all the way up so Dog can't reach it and destroy it all).

"What do you want to do this weekend boys? I ask. "I want to make pancakes!!" says Crash. He's been banging on about it for over a week. So we'll make pancakes for breakfast before I wander around the shops. The boys both need new summer shoes so we'll do that, grabbing coffee and donuts along the way. It doesn't sound relaxing, but it is - the boys are good shoppers.

I think a new clam-shell pool might be bought for the boys and they can splash about in that in the afternoon while I kick back with a glass of wine and read my book.

Then Mr Chic has planned a quiet family bbq on Saturday night followed by a movie on foxtel.

Bring on this weekend I say!! Let's start now!

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